Friday, April 4, 2014

Tools that address visual spacial difficulties

Students with disabilities often face problems with writing numbers, aligning digits, and creating visual representations.  Their work may look like this:            


Virtual Pencil Arithmetic: 

  • computer simulated paper and pencil program for students who find writing the 'traditional way' challenging. ($199)

Number Navigator 2:

  • this simple math processor is ideal for solving simple math problem on the computer. ($ Free)

Microsoft Equation Editor:

  • this is an ideal program for students who have good mouse control but are less effective with paper and pencil.  The draw back is that to show their work, the students need to use the text box or drawing tools - there isn't a built in component for this. (included in the MS Office Bundle)

Scientific Notebook:

  • this is a more high end program that allows users to solve equations not just write them.  This allows students with disabilities to participate in advanced Math classes.

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