Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Augmentative communication in the home and community

The school system uses Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to drive instruction in school but it is important to reinforce communication in the home and community environment. Dell, Newton and Petroff in their book Assistive Technology in the Classroom (2012) on page 293 point out that this requires family involvement, cultural acumen, and knowing where the student is active in the community.  Home, school and community all require different types of communication demands.  Families should also have the opportunity to learn the student's augmentative communication devices.  On page 294 and 295 there are many useful tips for supporting families.  Some important ones are:

1.  keep it simple
2. give parents permission to expand the child's communication options on the device
3.  teach family members to provide opportunities for communication and ample wait time

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