Friday, March 14, 2014


Communication is an essential part of being human - it is what makes us human.  The ability to use language to express our needs helps us survive.  For people with Autism, this is a challenge but assistive technology can be a life saver. Humans can also communicate in written form.  However, this form of communication can be even more difficult for people than oral communication; Ginger is just one of the tools that can augment written communication.

Ginger software is created to improve English writing.  It is an easy to download extension for Androids and Web Browsers. Users can also purchase the program through the company and download it through the disk. The cost is free for the basic version.  Based on the PCAdvisor, it is ideal for for users who want to avoid errors in their day to day written interactions.  They also praise this product because it doesn't require MSWord, works in most important applications/browsers, PCAdvisor's reviewers gave this software 3.5/5 stars.  The software doesn't offer deep semantic corrections, the pan takes up 100% of the monitor's width, the font size is large and cannot be made smaller.  In my opinion, since it doesn't have popups, ads or overwhelm the computer with other automatic downloads despite its free status, I would give it more stars.  

This software is very useful when working with children not only because of its cost, but because it can support students with catching most of their errors.  The software is intuitive and learns the user's words, therefore it can work with the student in creating written assignments of any length.  The great part is that if it is part of a student's computer, it can edit personal messages as well, helping to avoid embarrassing mistakes among peers.

Write out loud is text to speech software.  CoWriter takes Write: Out Loud a step further and incorporates editing and text prediction as well.  So, Write: Out Loud is for students who are physically unable to type, or cannot keyboard well.  This is a simple to learn program and training can take place in as little as 30 minutes.  Don Johnson created this program for students who: are reluctant to write, show moderate grammar and spelling challenges or write better with auditory support.  This program is between $50 - $100 depending on the number of computers it is installed on.  Don Johnson, the manufacturer of Write: Out Loud, has provided research based studies that support the use of this product.  It is user friendly and inexpensive.  It can also follow students into their college years, where the demands for written expression are even greater than they have experienced in schools.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I loved how you incorporated the videos with the information you provided with the reader.
