Thursday, March 13, 2014

IEP and Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology and the Law

Amy Golden presents on including Assistive Technology in the IEP. (03.13.14)

IDEA 2004 requires IEP teams to consider the assistive technology needs of all children with disabilities. (20 U.S.C. 1414(d)(3)(B)(v))

The IEP team makes decisions about assistive technology devices and services based on your child’s unique needs so that he can be more confident and independent. The law requires schools to use assistive technology devices and services "to maximize accessibility for children with disabilities." (20 U.S.C. 1400(c)(5)(H))

If the IEP team determines that your child needs assistive technology devices and services, the school district is responsible for providing these and cannot use lack of availability or cost as an excuse.

Note: Assistive technology is not a substitute for teaching your child to read and write.

This piece of legislation requires all special educators and Individualized Education Teams to consider the child's need for assistive technology. It doesn't have a to be a high tech. device, just a tool that may help the child gain easier or more efficient access to the curriculum.

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