Tuesday, March 4, 2014

IPads and Communication - Perspectives

This is a powerful video on the power of Assistive Technology:
Carly said, "One day your inner voice can come out. Mine did."

My last post was about applications for the iPad . There are many apps. out there; some are amazing, some are not.  With so many new tools available for the IPad, it is increasingly becoming a powerful tool for education. I set out to explore teacher and parent blog as well as other document to get insight about the users' perspectives.

Children's Perspectives:
  • Can fulfill dreams and hopes which are the same as the able bodied world's.
  • Can live independently and lead active lives.
  • I Pads are flexible and portable
  • Even with physical disabilities they are easy to use - touch and swipe directly on surface
Parents' Perspectives: 
  • Their child can lead a normal life and join the working world.
  • Child can communicate with world, order in a restaurant and advocate their own needs
  • The use of IPads helps parents become more engaged with school -  http://www2.hull.ac.uk/ifl/ipadresearchinschools.aspx
Teachers' Perspectives
  • IPad applications are often customizable to a specific student.
  • Provides students a choice in communication - e-mail, messaging or speaking. It can even amplify a student's voice.
  • If students all have one, then it helps to eliminate the digital divide. 
  • IPads are easily damaged, difficult to monitor who has which one and replacement/insurance costs are great.
  • Using IPads requires paradigm shift in how to teach.

Dispelling the myths: http://depts.washington.edu/enables/myths/myths_aac_people.htm

iPad Be Nimble, iPad Be Quick:  http://www.edutopia.org/blogs/ipad-be-nimble-be-quick-matt-levinson

A Principal's Perspective: Preparing to Distribute Student iPads?

Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation: http://www.myasdf.org/site/media-center/articles/why-the-ipad-is-such-a-helpful-learning-tool-for-children-with-autism/

The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study: http://www.naace.co.uk/publications/longfieldipadresearch


  1. I think this is a great post, especially how you split up the different perspectives. I enjoyed reading your teacher perspective and how to get rid of the technology divide. I think it would be great for every student to have an iPad, but would most schools be able to afford the funds and to maintain all of those devices?

  2. This is a great post: you did a god job with keeping the perspectives clear and concise. I was definitely moved as well by the video, and it's amazing to see how technology can change a person's life. Unfortunately, in the research I found, some parents were against technology in the classroom, and I feel a part of the reason for that is because of the lack of knowledge of how technology can be useful to a child's education and their unique learning process. But overall, the research I found, like yours, was positive and encouraged technology use. Good job on your post!
