Friday, February 28, 2014

Enhance Communication

Deaf student in a hearing world...

"Computer technology "meant the beginning of the end of my isolation - isolation from other people," writes Hank Kisor, a Chicago journalist who is deaf." (Dell, A. Newton, D. & Petroff J.2012 page 139) How powerful is that statement?  Students who are deaf or hard of hearing face many challenges in a hearing world.  They often cannot follow lectures, instructions or miss important information.  These students may find it difficult to communicate with their teachers or make friends......let alone make a phone call. For hard of hearing students background noise makes it difficult to focus on one speaker.  

Awareness and technology can help to overcome obstacles for deaf and hard of hearing students.  The choices are vast but it isn't a one size fits all model.  Information for the descriptions was gleaned from Assistive Technology in the Classroom by Amy G. Dell, Deborah A. Newton and Jerry G. Petroff.

FM System

The teacher can wear the microphone and the student has the hearing device. This is a good device when one student needs the support.  It is unobtrusive and portable. The student can sit anywhere and it can be used inside or outside.  However, the sound is amplified therefore confidentiality can be breached and there could be potential electrical interference.

 Induction Loop System

Uses electromagnetic waves to transmit the teacher's voice directly to the student's hearing aid.  This requires a permanent hearing aid installation and there could be possible electromagnetic interference.

Soundfield Amplification System

Broadcasts the teacher's voice through the speakers for all students to hear better; however it is only useful for people with mild or moderate hearing loss.

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